Lloyd is a keen composer and arranger, who writes ‘tuneful and tonal’ works ranging from short solo pieces and ‘a capella’ motets to large scale choral and orchestral works. He often performs his own piano music in recitals, and one of his motets appears on the CD ‘Excelsior’ which has been released by Amemptos Music – click on the image below for more information.
See examples of Lloyd’s piano compositions below.
See examples of Lloyd’s choral compositions below.
To celebrate The Barnby Choir’s 75th Anniversary, Lloyd was commissioned to write an uplifting anthem on text which was written by the choir’s Chair, Dave Tonks. The resulting work for chorus and orchestra, ‘Let the Music Sound!’ was premiered to great acclaim on 26th March, 2022 in Bramhall.
Lloyd was also commissioned by Ellesmere Port Music Society to write a work celebrating the end of the COVID-19 pandemic. The brief was to celebrate a return to the light after the darkness of the covid years, and to celebrate the joy that the choir was able to return to singing live together. ‘We celebrate the Light’ was premiered in Ellesmere Port on 23rd April 2022, and moved members of the choir to tears.
Lloyd’s style is very much tonal, and he draws inspiration from music of the romantic period, principally the harmonic language of Chopin and Rachmaninoff. He believes that it is important to write music which is accessible and appeals to audiences, in which melody and harmony are essential components. A number of Lloyd’s compositions are available for purchase below.
In addition to writing original compositions, Lloyd enjoys arranging orchestral and instrumental music for the piano, his aim being to retain as much of the spirit of the original as possible when the work is transferred to the piano. Has has made arrangements of Vivaldi’s ‘Four Seasons’, several symphonies by Mozart, and well as a number of song transcriptions by a varied selection of composers.
If you are interested in commissioning an original composition or arrangement, please contact me to discuss your requirements.
Examples of Lloyd’s piano and choral work are available below (with just the first page of the score). These, and more, can be found on his Score Exchange Website where they may be purchased:
Piano compositions
Piano Sonata in F Minor

Song Without Words – for LT

Song Without Words – for NS

A Wish
Lullaby for my cousin
Lullaby in E flat
Song Without Words
Song Without Words – for BD
Choral compositions
Dixit Maria – SATB
An unaccompanied Motet in late romantic style

Locus Iste – SATB
An unaccompanied Motet in late romantic style

Sancte Deus – SSAATTBB
Motet for large chorus and symphony orchestra, vocal score.